DIANAMED SUSPENSION 100 (Methandienone Water Suspension) – 10amps of 1ml – DEUS-MEDICAL


Dianabol/methandrosterolone also known as Dbol is another form of testosterone that has been modified to increase its anabolic properties. Dianabol is not only potent but also has a long half-life. It’s highly effective when it comes to enhancing physique and the overall performance.


  • Product and Laboratory: Dianamed by Deus Medical
  • Effects: Raw muscle gain, increased strength
  • Ingredients: Methandienone
  • Form: injection
  • Concentration: 100mg/ml
  • Presentation: 10 amps of 1ml (Total box 1000 mg)
  • Dosage: 50-100mg per day over the course of 6-8 weeks
    Beginners Intermediate Advanced Female
    50mg per day 50-80mg per day 100mg per day N/A
  • Protection during treatment: liver protection Samarin / tamoxifen (Nolvadex) / Anastrozole (Arimidex) / Letrozole (if needed)
  • Pct post cycle therapy: tamoxifen (Nolvadex) / HCG / Anastrozole (Arimidex) / Clomifene (Clomid)
  • Stack: Testosterone / Deca / Growth Hormone (All Varieties)
  • Level: Suitable for all users


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